Then: Long hair Now: Longing for hair Then: The perfect high Now: The perfect high-yielding mutual fund Then: KEG Now: EKG Then: Moving to California because it's cool Now: Moving to California because it's warm Then: Watching John Glenn's historic flight with your parents Now: Watching John Glenn's historic flight with your children Then: Popping pills, smoking joints Now: Popping joints Then: Hoping for a BMW Now: Hoping for a BM Then: The Greatful Dead Now: Dr. Kevorkian Then: Getting to a new, hip joint Now: Getting a new hip joint Then: Rolling Stones Now: Kidney stones Then: Being called to the Principal's office Now: Calling the Principal's office Then: Down with the system Now: The system is down Then: Parents begging you to get your hair cut Now: Children begging you to get their head shaved Then: Trying to pass the driving test Now: Trying to pass the vision test Then: ![]() Now: |
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