Patti Peters Vincent

Birthdate: 02/25/1957
Spouse: Craig, YHS Class Of 1976
Anniversary: 01/??/1980?

address 1205 Florida Avenue
York NE 68467
telephone 402-362-5775 (H)
800-759-3114 (W)
402-366-7431 (C)
402-366-7430 (C)
children Scott (??/??/1985?)
Caryn (??/??/1989?)
pets Jordy (an interesting mutt)

occupation Data Processing Supervisor
employer Geneva State Bank
location Geneva, Nebraska
employer NPPD
location York, Nebraska

  • camping
  • soccer (watching, not playing)
  • internet surfing
Craig & I celebrated our 20th anniversary in January. We lived in Columbus from 1980 to 1997, we lived in O'Neill, Nebraska from August 1997 thru February 1999. For anyone that doesn't know, O'Neill is 100 miles from nowhere!! Nebraska Public Power District brought us to York at that time. It is amazing how life sometimes come full circle. When we first came back to York, I couldn't figure out why everyone looked so much older than they had when we left and I was sure I hadn't aged abit!!

Scott, our oldest, went to the middle school (which was the high school some 25+ years ago) for the last quarter of his 8th grade year. He had Mr. Robb for science and Mr. Brink for social studies. Mr. Robb retired at the end of last year and Mr. Brink is retiring at the end of this year. Neither of them looked much different than they did when we had them. He is now a freshman and is enjoying every minute of high school. He is counting the days until he is 16. I think we are down to 5 months and maybe 15 days. Actually mom can't wait because I am tired of being his chauffer and I know having mom or dad take him really curtails his social life!!

Our daughter is going to start middle school next fall so we have toured the old high school with her. I really have tried to imagine the building as it was when we were there.

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up on the past 25 years!!

1975 2005

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