Mike McLain & Sue Bernt McLain

Anniversary: ??/??/1978?
E-mail: mm14125@navix.net

address 1306 Road G
York NE 68467
telephone 402-736-4493 (H)
children Melissa (??/??/1980?)
Christi (??/??/1983?)
Trevor (??/??/1985?)

occupation Farmer
employer self
location York, Nebraska
occupation Vintage Fashion Shows
employer self
location York, Nebraska

Mike has been farming for the last 21 years and they live on a farm west of York. Sue runs her own business doing vintage fashion shows around the Midwest. Trevor and his dad enjoy going to sprint car races and he helps his dad farm during the summer. Christi is an accomplished singer. She has released a CD and has been chosen to sing at many events including State Wrestling, and UNL's operas. Melissa is going to Nebraska Wesleyan University. She is majoring in Chemistry and minoring in German. She also belongs to the Delta Zeta Sorority.


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